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Instructions for displaying the correct legal disclaimer

In addition to the IEE programme banner you will also need to display the following legal disclaimer on any written information produced for PRIMES.

In English

The sole responsibility for the content of this [webpage, publication etc.] lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the

European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are
responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained

In other languages

Le contenu de cette [page web, publication, etc.] n'engage que la

responsabilité de son auteur et ne représente pas nécessairement
l'opinion de l'Union européenne. Ni l'EACI ni la Commission européenne ne
sont responsables de l'usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qui y

Die alleinige Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser [Webseite, Publikation
usw.] liegt bei den AutorInnen. Sie gibt nicht unbedingt die Meinung der
Europäischen Union wieder. Weder die EACI noch die Europäische
Kommission übernehmen Verantwortung für jegliche Verwendung der
darin enthaltenen Informationen.

El contenido de esta [página web etc.] solo compromete a su autor y no
refleja necesariamente la opinión de la Unión Europea. Ni la EACI ni la
Comisión Europea son responsables de la utilización que se podrá dar a la
información que figura en la misma.

This disclaimer can be written in small font size and it can be put in
places, which are less prominent than those used for the main logo, e.g.
at the bottom of websites or in the editorial information of publications.
But it is important that it is actually being displayed somewhere.



The EACI is available for any further assistance which you may require.


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Last update


Responsible editor

Jørgen Grubbe

Intelligent Energy Europe

Co-funded by IEE